
A Kubernates Cloud Shell (Web Terminal) Operator

CII Best Practices

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cloudtty is an easy-to-use operator to run web terminal and cloud shell intended for a kubernetes-native environment. You can easily open a terminal on your own browser via cloudtty. The community is always open for any contributor and those who want to have a try.

Literally, cloudtty herein refers to a virtual console, shell, or terminal running on web and clouds. You can use it anywhere with an internet conneciton and it will be automatically connected to the cloud.

Early user terminals connected to computers were electromechanical teleprinters or teletypewriters (TeleTYpewriter, TTY), which might be the origin of TTY. Gradually, TTY has continued to be used as the name for a text-only console although now this text-only console is a virtual console not a physical console.

Why Do You Need cloudtty?

A project ttyd provides some features to share terminals over the web. But if you use Kubernetes, a more cloud-native enviroment is required to run the webtty via the kubernetes way (running as a pod, and generated by CRDs), which is covered by cloudtty. You are welcome to try cloudtty :tada:.

Applicable Scenarios

  1. Many enterprises use a cloud platform to manage Kubernetes, but due to security reasons, you cannot use SSH to connect the node host to execute kubectl commands. In this case, you may require a cloud shell capability.

  2. A running container on kubernetes can be “entered” (via Kubectl exec) on a browser web page.

  3. The container logs can be displayed in real time (scrolling) on a browser web page.



After the cloudtty is intergated to your own UI, it would look like:


Quick Start

How to build customize cloudshell image

Most users need more than just the basic kubectl tools to manage their clusters. we can customize image based on cloudshell base image. here is an example of adding the karmadactl tool.

Use customize cloudshell image

There are two ways to set the customized cloudshell image:

  1. You can set the image directly by using the cloudshell CR field spec.image.

     kind: CloudShell
       name: cloudshell-sample
         name: "my-kubeconfig"
  2. Set the ‘JobTemplate’ image parameter to run the customized cloudshell image when installing cloudtty.

     helm install cloudtty-operator --version 0.5.0 cloudtty/cloudtty --set jobTemplate.image.registry=</REGISTRY> --set jobTemplate.image.repository=</REPOSITORY> --set jobTemplate.image.tag=</TAG>

If you have installed cloudtty, you can also modify the configMap of JobTemplate to set the cloudshell image.

Advanced Usage Guide

Manage Multiple or Remote Clusters

If cloudtty manages a remote cluster (another cluster than which the cloudtty operator runs on), you need tell cloudtty the kube.conf of the remote cluster as below.

You can copy the kube.config, ~/.kube/config, from a remote cluster.

kubectl create secret generic my-kubeconfig --from-file=kube.config

Be careful to ensure the /root/.kube/config:

  1. contains the base64 encoded certs/secrets instead of local files.

  2. can reach the k8s api-server endpoint (via host IP or cluster IP) instead of localhost.

Manager cluster node

The basic image to cloudshell had integrated with the plugin of kubectl-node-shell, you can use its command to connect an arbitrary node of specified cluster. It will run a pod with privilege, if you attach importance to the pod security, please be careful with the feature. See the following sample:

kind: CloudShell
  name: cloudshell-node-shell
    name: "<KUBECONFIG>"
  commandAction: "kubectl node-shell <NODE_NAME>"

For more samples refer to kubectl-node-shell.

If a cluster has the security policy such as PodSecurity and PSP, the feature may be affected.

More Exposure Modes

Cloudtty provides the following four modes to expose cloudtty services to satisfy different usage scenarios:


AllowSecretStoreKubeconfig:Restore kubeconfig file with secret resource, if the featureGate is enabled, the field spec.configmapName will be disabled. You can use the field to difine where kubeconfig is. Currently the featureGate is in alpha phase, disabled by default.

How to open featrueGate

  1. If you use yaml to deploy cloudtty, add --feature-gates=AllowSecretStoreKubeconfig=true to operator to run arguments.
  2. If you use helm to deploy cloudtty, set the parameter --set image.featureGates.AllowSecretStoreKubeconfig=true.


  1. Operator creates a job and a service with the same name in the proper namespace. If Ingress or VitualService is used, it also creates the routing information.

  2. When the pod status is Ready, it will show the access url to the cloudshell status.

  3. When a job ends after the TTL is expired or the job is terminated for some other reasons, the cloudshell status changes to Completed once the job changes to Completed. You can set cloudshell to delete associated resources when the status is Completed.

  4. When cloudshell is deleted, the corresponding job and service (through ‘ownerReference’) are automatically deleted. If Ingress or VitualService mode is used, the corresponding routing information will be deleted too.

Developer Guide

Run the Operator and Install CRDs

  1. Generate CRDs to charts/_crds

     make generate-yaml
  2. Install CRDs

     make install
  3. Run the operator

     make run

Create cloudshell

For example, automatically print logs for a container.

kind: CloudShell
  name: cloudshell-sample
    name: "my-kubeconfig"
  runAsUser: "root"
  commandAction: "kubectl -n kube-system logs -f kube-apiserver-cn-stack"
  once: false

Special Thanks

This project is based on Many thanks to tsl0922, yudai, and the community. The frontend UI code was originated from ttyd project, and the ttyd binary inside the container also comes from ttyd project.


If you have any question, feel free to reach out to us in the following ways:

What’s Next

More will be coming Soon. Welcome to open an issue and propose a PR. 🎉🎉🎉


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